Thursday, January 31, 2008

Graf #6

Alright, I think I misunderstood the assignment. Here is another try.

What do you want to write about? Fitness

What do you want to find out about your topic? How to get back the energy I had as a teenager?

What are your questions about the topic?

1. Why at 32, a relatively young age, do I have reduced energy?

2. What changes in my lifestyle are necesary to get my energy back?

3. Can these changes increase my lifespan?

How does it connect to your life?

You plod to the bathroom and try to open your crusty eyes succeeding only in making yourself dizzy with the effort. You open the medicine cabinet and take out the toothpaste hoping maybe the reflection will lie a little this time. No luck, it tells the same story as yesterday, sleep has given you a funny hairstyle and your old and fat. Sighing you begin the routine you go through every morning as you wearily trudge from activity to activity knowing at any time you could probably fall asleep standing up. Is this the way you want to feel?
So how do you fix it?

Give three reasons you like the topic

1. I want to enact a positive change in my life.

2. It seems like others might be interested in finding out as well.

3. I want to teach my son the right habits from the beginning, first I have to know them

Give three ways your life might change if you answer your questions

1. I'll have more time

2. I'll feel better

3. I'll look better

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Fitness might work. Funy graf there! If you want to do this, start writing about the history of you and fitness, you and energy, you and your body, you and food, exercise, sleep, leisure.

But I don't think you misunderstood the assignment. Wine, beer, fitness seem doable. Israel, less so, but that says nothing about your understanding--more about your seriousness and ambirion.